Stone House Solar Development
Profile: Location: Christmas Valley, Oregon's richest solar resource area. Size: The project is spec'ed out for two layout sizes of 5 MW-ac / 7MW-dc or 20 MW-ac / 27 MW-dc. Project Assets: Cycle owns all project assets. Land: 163 acres owned via fee title Energy Resource: 39,570 to 42,275 annual generation MWh fixed versus tracker Interconnection: On-site to 24.9 kV Midstate Electric Cooperative (MEC) distribution system. Refreshed MEC agreement and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) pending. Permitting: Lake County Conditional Use Permit Building to be refreshed. Electrical permit pending. Phase I ESA and Environmental analysis and Geotechnical to be refreshed. Customers / Markets: Cycle plans a structured or virtual PPA to set a fixed price with physical liquidation of power. Engineering Procurement & Construction: Targeting range of $0.50-$1.00/Wp. Grant: ODOE RED Grant $250K
Problem: Remote location of project in south central Oregon is without good access to electric transmission lines in order to reduce the cost of moving the power to market.
Solution: Cycle will install storage at the site in order to soak up the excess energy not able to be moved efficiently and also sell the physical energy local and sell financial energy and renewable energy credits at market hubs in order to avoid expensive physical transmission costs.
Results: Receiving increased interest from corporate offtakers in Oregon including Google, Apple, Nike, Intel, etc.