Harvest Wind Project
Profile: 98.9 MW operating wind project in WA state in the Columbia Gorge wind resource area (WRA). 43-Siemens 2.3 MW 93rd WTGsAsset Manager: Summit PowerProject Manager: NAES.
Problem: Multiple owners with diverging interests. The four owners of Harvest Wind (HW)—Lakeview Light and Power, Cowlitz County PUD, Peninsula Light and Power, and Eugene Water and Electric Board—needed an outside party to fairly balance each of their interests and perspectives.
Solution: One of the owners encouraged Cycle to become the HW representative. Cycle presented its capabilities, including asset management, operations & maintenance, power marketing, and resolving scheduling and transmission issues.
Results: Cycle founder, Peter Blood, successfully managed the project—its balance offtake, budgets, and expenses—and took care to fairly represent each of the four owner’s perspectives.